Welcome Readers...into my Dreams and Imagination.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Long Time No Read...But I'm Back!!!

Hey all,

I know it's been a while, but I had some news I wanted to make sure you all received.

As some of you may know, MUSA Publishing closed their doors earlier this year leaving a good portion of my books homeless.  Since many of them had already been through several publishers, I decided to bite the bullet and go the self publishing route with those books I've had out before.  So all through Columbus, I struggled and learned and swore and edited.  I even dragged friends and family into the craziness as I got my first book ready for publishing.  Editing, rewrites, more editing and cover tweaking seemed to fill my days.

It's an interesting journey working with the same bookstores as a publisher I did as an author.  In some ways it made it easier and in others, more difficult.  But, as of yesterday afternoon, I succeeded in my goal.  My first release from my own publishing label, Restless Wind Publications, went live in the Amazon store. And it's ready and waiting for any of you who didn't buy this story the first time around.

Plus, since I did an extensive re-write, fleshing out the characters and adding to the story, you may even want to pick up another copy.  Since it is a re-release, I made it a bargain at $2.99.

Epub versions should be available soon. They are in queue right now.

Also, and this is VERY important.  For those of you who have read Second Chances: Waiting in the Wings, I need your help.

My book is lonely.  Since one of the things Amazon doesn't do is swap over reviews when a book changes publishers, poor Callie, Jordon and the rest of the characters are sitting on their brand new page all alone. Missing those wonderful readers who said such nice things about them and over the years became like family.  It's a sad, sad, thing.  :-(

So, can you help a book out???  And it's author?

If you enjoyed Second Chances: Waiting in the Wings, take a moment to write a review on it's Amazon Page.

It won't take long, and I'd really appreciate it. Reviews are helpful to those readers who haven't discovered my work, and the more they know about the stories, the better they can choose what they would enjoy.

And since I know you're doing me a solid, I'll do something for you in return. Once you've written your review and it's on Amazon, send me an email at womanofthewind1@yahoo.com.  Put Waiting in the Wings Amazon Review in the Subject line and put your name and snail mail address in the body of the email.

As a thank you for taking the time to help me out, I'll send you a special treat from here in Virginia Beach.  Can't beat that!!!

Again, you have my thanks for making the effort.  You guys are the greatest!!!

And check back at the end of summer when I continue with the FREE READ stories!!!!  Woohoo!!!

CJ England

Follow Your Dreams

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